Overcome obstacles

Thoroughly review and prepare answers for possible objections from the audience.
Make an effort to see others viewpoints, state an acknowledgement.
Validate the objections by making concessions.
Do not antagonize the audience or insult their intelligence
Be honest and openly admit differences of opinion.

Use appropriate Tone

It is important to note that the tone we use in writing conveys our attitudes toward the audience.
Identify the tone and style that you would like to consistently use.
It is essential that you consider your audience before writing or creating a presentation or speech
Strive for an overall tone that is confident.
Be sincere, without sincerity, the message and or argument may seem condescending.

Persuade the audience

Some Strategies for persuading an audience
Emphasize what you (the speaker ) and the audience have in common, such as relevant shared values.Establish reliable facts and sources from various authorities on the issue to support you message or argument.
Display Confidence when communicating your message or argument.   Review and prepare answers for possible questions from the audience.Words used should be carefully selected to capture the attention of the audience

Grab Attention

The presentation should be briskly  apace and employ attention grabbing graphics. Visual aids should be in support of the presentation which should also be clear, simple concise and interesting. A well developed concept and script are essential to go with the oral presentation and visual aids. Concepts that are difficult to grasp and explain can be communicated quickly with a visual aid.

Communicate effectively

The central purpose of any speech or presentation is to communicate effectively. Facts must be stated in a simple, clear concise and interesting manner. It is proven by various studies that audiences retain the message from a speech or presentation when it is enforced by visual aids. Visual aids can shock, entertain, amuse excite and subsequently inform the audience about the subject.


“Practice makes perfect.” Practice will help perfect the speech, give reassurance and boolster confidence. Rehearshing is a fundamental  step to develop and refine effivtive presentations.Use Visual aids
Visual aids help you remember parts of your speech or presentation. Using the familiar items or objects of recognition helps relieve some of the tension.
The use of visual aids creates effective presentations. Ensure that the visual aids meet the objectives of the presentation to achieve coherence and flow. Visual aidsillustrate and imphasize ideas more effective than words alone.. Clear exiting, bold and colorful visual aids multiply the audience’s level of understanding of the materials presented reinforce the message and clarify pointsof your presentation attention.

Translate positive visual Image

The physical symptoms of anxiety can include profuse sweating, faster heart rate, a parched throat, with the mind racing and thoughts in jumble. Practice proper breathing to achieve a relax state. Try visualization exercise. Translate a positive visual into a mental image that has a calming effect, such as children laughing, a rosebud or raindrops.

Arrive and set up early

Have spare projector bulbs, extra copies af handouts and other needed materials close at hand. Allow yourself ample time to relax before the presentation begins. You have your visuals, you have rehearsed well, and the room is properly set up. Then no aggrevation can add to your anxiety level.

Dress for Success

How you’re dress sets the tone of your speech or presentation. If dress for success, you feel confident that you look good, you will be treated with respect, and with warm and open enthusiasm by any audience.

Show Empathy

Empathetic listening is the ability to build trust and respect an environment of mutual cooperation. It enables the parties to reduce tension, release their emotions, give proper feedback and disclose information.
Most people generalize, blame, defend, moralize, disagree, interrupt and question the subject rather than listen with empathy. Empathetic listening requires skills and thorough concentration, to focus solely on another person.

Create Open Communication

“Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity”- Gen. George S. Patton.
In order to create an environment of open communication increase in your group, it is important to build trust. Communication is critical. Do not assume you know your employees thoughts and feelings. Listen to the employees’ perspective. Conveying empathy by acknowledging the feelings and opinions of your employees will encourage open communication.

Do not interrupt

Faulty listening habits can cause misunderstandings and miscommunication in the work environment. Many serious mistakes are made when an employee does not listen correctly. Poor listening can result in missed deadlines, late appointments, addressing the wrong problems and misinterpreting valuable information. Increase your listening skills by showing the other party that you are truly interested in hearing what he has to say. Avoid interrupting, and listen fully to the whole information, then subsequently ask questions to clarify.

Willingness For Disclosure

Self-disclosure affects interpersonal communication and relationships. With mutual trust and the willingness to share ideas and tasks, then open and honest communication can be achieved. While both parties will be vulnerable to each other, there is a commitment to learn and share; talents. This may positively result in accepting persons the way they are. More self-disclosure leads to a  stronger communication and a deeper relationship.

Do not Dominate

One person in the relationship is more dominant than the other. The dominant person is unwilling to listen to the other party, fails to acknowledge another point of view, interrupts during irrelevant. The other party will either turn into a submissive person and accept everything that the dominant person says or it will lead to increasing dissatisfaction and anger. The relationship will likely see a break-up or a nasty dispute.

Do Not Judge

Others do not think the way we do. It is human nature to judge, criticize and impose our own beliefs and values on another. We want to be in control and right all the time. It is hard to acknowledge when one is wrong. Interpersonal communication and relationship are affected by a judgmental attitude. Be open minded show commitment caring and compassion and make sure to listen to what anyone has to say.


 The ore effectively you listen the more you learn. Business listening means gathering information and making sense of the information by being able to think strategically through it. Today’s management challenge is to improve listening skills, effectively listen to all the information to iprove customer attraction and retention, employee turnover, and the execution of projects more smoothly.

Learn to Each Other

In less productive work groups, members do not listen to each other and tend to  talk at the same time. The discussion jumps from one idea to another without producing a coherent thought and process. One or two people dominate all the conversation in the meeting, without allowing room for all of the tea members to share their opinions. There is no agenda to follow, and no written protocol for accepted behavior. There is no order for identifying and solving the problems.

Dancing with the Stars 2010 Results

Productive Team Members listen and pay attention to one another discuss the subject at hand, and take up everyone’s ideas, suggestions and opinions. Everyone is given a chance to state his/her own comments and feedback without fear of repercussion. Members are appointed to summarize the discussion and ensure that everyone has had a chance to speak, with all feedback being duly noted. Tea members follow an agenda and guidelines in proper meeting procedures and protocol.

Know you Role: Productive Team Members

Productive Team Members listen and pay attention to one another discuss the subject at hand, and take up everyone’s ideas, suggestions and opinions. Everyone is given a chance to state his/her own comments and feedback without fear of repercussion. Members are appointed to summarize the discussion and ensure that everyone has had a chance to speak, with all feedback being duly noted. Tea members follow an agenda and guidelines in proper meeting procedures and protocol.

Know your Role: The Facilitator

The facilitator helps the group with processes on how to go about with decisions. He keeps the meeting focused on the topic. He clarifies, accepts and summarizes all forms of communication from all participants. He accepts feeling as valid data, states problems in a constructive manner, suggest procedures for problem solving, and curtails any dominating behavior from a tea member who dishes out lengthy comments or criticism.

Know your Role: Team Leaders

Team Leaders are responsible for moving the team to accomplish it’s goals and/or tasks as befit the organization’s strategy, mission and vision. The tea leader is responsible for making all resources available, making sure that right environment is establish and direct team progress through different stages of activities.

Know your Role: Effective group communication Roles

Assigning roles to tea embers helps clarify the perfective workloads, makes everything straight forward, easy to understand and follow, and ensures that the group tasks will be completed. It is important to clarify the roles at the beginning of tea formation so that all the members know what the expectations are.

Learn effective Group Communication process

The group goes through four stages in decision-making: forming, storming norming and performing. As members get to know one another, barriers are broken down. They get used to one another. Roles and expectations are clarified, while prejudices are alienated. Then the group can begin open communication with each other.

Know the Three types of Communication

There are three types of group communication: task group, relationship group and the influence group. The task group is set up to accomplish a task; the relationship group involves meeting people for the enjoyment of it; and the influence group is meant or better each other such as with a cooking group.

UFC 113 : Josh Koscheck is not sad on Paul Daley’s Departure

Have you seen UFC 113 main card event between Josh Koscheck and Paul Daley? If not then the issue here is that this two fighters come to talk BS with each other and it seems it enters the mind of Paul Daley until he make a bad move that cause his tickets away from UFC.
This was Paul Daley’s Cheap Shot. On the end of the 3rd round on the fight of Josh Koscheck and Paul Daley , we’ve thought that two fighter will talk and congratulate each other. We’ve also heard the referee saying “Alright, Go!” that means make some talk and congratulate the winner but it doesn’t seem the intention ofPaul Daley.
He punched Josh Koscheck when Josh was on his back. For sure this is the first time we’ve seen it in UFC history and because of this Dana White officially cutPaul Daley.

Be aware of communication barriers

Communication barriers includes differences in perception, incorrect filtering (intermediaries such as secretaries, answering machines), language problems, poor listening, different emotional states, differing backgrounds such as age, education, gender social status, economic position cultural upbringing, religious and political belief.

Communicate well

Poor communication skills can damage all relationships, personal and/or professional. Examples include not being able to put into words what we want to say, or our partner speaks but we do not fully listen, we stare in silence, we use disparaging words, cannot assert our selves, and are often guilty of misinterpretation
Constructing messages and sharing meanings more effectively
Be clear and specific about communication goals. Determine the character of your audience and address it appropriately, dwelling on what it is about. Articulate your message in a brief, concise and clear way that stresses why the issue is important, who is responsible, and what actions should be undertaken. Use language that speaks properly to the audience. Be prepared with anecdotes or stories to elaborate on certain points, as well as images to further
illustrate a situation.

Be an Active Listener

Active Listener is being able to focus on who you are listening to, whether in a group or one on one, in order to understand what she/he is saying. As a listener, you are able to repeat what another is saying with complete understanding. Follow and understand the speaker as if you were walking in his shoes.

Be assertive

Assertiveness in communication is the ability to express your opinions, feelings and ideas without any anxiety or stress, but with a sense of confidence, without appearing like a bully or being submissive. Assertive communication can include: Standing up straight, using strong “I” statements, citing facts and preparing your point until it gets across. Assertiveness is important.

Incorporate new Vocabulary Into business Communications

 Everyday people judge by the way you choose your words correctly. Whether they agree with you or not, whether they believe it is true or not., what you express says a lot about your intelligence, education and status Nothing makes a stronger and lasting impression than a strong command of Language. A powerful vocabulary can mean professional success that can motivate and influence others.